Which Kratom Strain is Best for You?


Many people ask us what strain of kratom is best for them. Since everyone is different it takes some individual trial and error to find the best fit for you, but this is some background we typically give to customers who ask us this question. 

How to Pick Your Kratom Strain

Certain veins and strains are more more uplifting or calming than others. Generally speaking, green means go, and red means stop.

Green and white veins are uplifting and good for energy. Red veins are for relaxation and pain management. 

Here are some of our favorite examples, which you can read more about on our kratom page:

  • Green veins: Green Maenga Da, Malay, and Full Spectrum. 
  • Red vein: Bali, Red Maenga Da, Indo, and Vietnam. 
  • White vein: Borneo and Thai. 

If you have any questions or want to see our selection feel free to call or stop by. We’re open 7 days a week. 

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